Undergraduate Courses

Mathematical Foundation Courses

As of Fall 2014 any 300+ level course or above given by the Math Department, or cross-listed with Math, counts as a foundations course for the PACM Minor, except those explicitly listed below as applications courses. In addition, the following count as foundations courses:

Course IDCourse name
APC350/CEE350/MAT322Introduction to Differential Equations
AST301/PHY321General Relativity
CBE448/MAT481Introduction to Nonlinear Dynamics
COS323/ORF363Computing and Optimization
ECE486/APC486Transmission & Compression of Information
MAE305/MAT391/CBE305/EGR305Mathematics in Engineering I
MAE306/MAT392Mathematics in Engineering II
MAT305Mathematical Logic
MAT315Real Analysis
MAT320Introduction to Real Analysis
MAT321Numerical Methods
MAT325Analysis I: Fourier Series and Partial Differential Equations
MAT328Differential Geometry
MAT330Complex Analysis with Applications
MAT335Analysis II: Complex Analysis
MAT340Applied Algebra
MAT345Algebra I
MAT346Algebra II
MAT355Introduction to Differential Geometry
MAT375/COS342Introduction to Graph Theory
MAT377/APC377Combinatorial Mathematics
MAT378/ECO308Game Theory
MAT385Probability Theory
MAT415Analytic Number Theory
MAT419Topics in Number Theory
MAT425Analysis III: Integration Theory and Hilbert Spaces
MAT427Ordinary Differential Equations
MAT447Commutative Algebra
MAT486Random Processes
ORF309/MAT309Probability and Stochastic Systems
ORF363Computing and Optimization for the Physical and Social


Mathematical Application Courses

Course IDCourse name
APC490/MAT490Mathematical Introduction to Machine Learning
CBE 341Mass, Momentum, and Energy Transport
CEE361/MAE325Matrix Structural Analysis and Introduction to Finite Element Methods
CHM305The Quantum World
CHM306Physical Chemistry: Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics
CHM405Advanced Quantum Chemistry
CHM406Adv Phys Chem Dynamics & Thermodynamics
COS324Introduction to Machine Learning
COS343Algorithms for Computational Biology
COS402Machine Learning and AI
COS423Theory of Algorithms
COS424Fundamentals of Machine Learning
COS426Computer Graphics
COS429Computer Vision
COS445Economics and Computing
COS451Computational Geometry
COS487Theory of Computation
ECO312Econometrics: A Mathematical Approach
ECO317The Economics of Uncertainty
ECO414Introduction to Economic Dynamics
ECO418Strategy and Information
ECO465Options, Futures & Financial Derivatives
ECO466Fixed Income: Models and Applications
ECO481Topics in Economics
EEB324Theoretical Ecology
EEB325Mathematical Modeling in Biology and Medicine
EEB424Methods of Mathematical Ecology
ECE381Networks: Friends, Money, and Bytes
ECE382Statistical Signal Processing
ECE396/COS396Introduction to Quantum Computing
ECE482Digital Signal Processing
ECE488Image Processing and Transmission
GEO371/PHY371Global Geophysics
GEO422Data, Models, and Uncertainty
GEO424/CEE424Introductory Seismology and Oil Exploration
GEO425/MAE425Introduction to Physical Oceanography
GEO441/APC441Computational Geophysics
MAE335Fluid Dynamics
MAE336Viscous Flows
MAE433Automatic Control Systems
MAE434Modern Control
MAT323Topics in Mathematical Modeling: Mathematical Neuroscience
MOL436Statistical Methods for Genome Data
NEU437Computational Neuroscience
ORF335/ECO364Introduction to Financial Mathematics
ORF350Analysis of Big Data
ORF405Regression and Applied Time Series
ORF407Fundamentals of Queueing Theory
ORF418Optimal Learning
ORF435Financial Risk Management
ORF473Special Topics in Operations Research and Financial Engineering - Stochastic Methods for Quantitative Finance
PHY301Thermal Physics
PHY304Advanced Electromagnetism
PHY305Introduction to Quantum Theory
PHY408Modern Classical Dynamics
QCB408Foundations of Applied Statistics and Data Science with Applications in Biology