Phase Space Approaches to Electronic Structure

PACM Colloquium
Apr 7, 2025
3 - 4 pm


 The Born-Oppenheimer approximation is the cornerstone of chemistry.  For a system of light electrons and heavy nuclei, the BO framework allows the chemist and physicist to separate one large matrix diagonalization into two smaller matrix diagonalizations.  In so doing, chemists gain (i) the notion of molecular orbitals and electronic state that are defined relative to a stationary set of coordinates for the nuclei, and (ii) the concept of a potential energy surface that governs how nuclei move and thus forms the basis for all of classical mechaincs.  Unfortunately, it is known that the Born-Oppenheimer approximation breaks down quite often, quite famously and obviously in the context of photochemistry and/or electron transfer. Slightly less well known is the fact that a classical BO theory does not conserve momentum (linear or angular) even when there is no obvious breakdown.  In this talk, I will discuss this failure of the BO approximation, offer up a phase space framework as an improvement to restore conservation, and then suggest a new paradigm for understanding how nuclear entanglement with electronic degrees of freedom may well lead to chiral induced spin selectivity (an exciting phenomenon discovered in recent years). I will also highlight the many computational and applied math problems that will need to be overcome for a practical and meaningful implementation in practice.