By studying fishing boat logbooks, Princeton postdoctoral researcher Talia Young and her colleagues found that some fishing boats travel more than 250 miles to catch the fish that used to be in local waters. Young is now investigating how local community supported fishery programs — like farm shares for fish — can affect fishing communities.
Photo by Laurence Kesterson, Swarthmore College
North Carolinian boats are now fishing off New Jersey’s coast
Liz Fuller-Wright, Office of Communications, Feb. 18, 2019 11:31 a.m.
As the oceans warm in response to climate change, fishing boats in the Mid-Atlantic that focus on only one or two species of fish are traveling more than 250 miles farther north than they did 20 years ago, while others catching a wide diversity of species have not changed fishing location, reported Talia Young, a postdoctoral research associate in ecology and evolutionary biology at Princeton.
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